We've all been there: You're ready to start a new digital marketing campaign, but you have no idea where to start. How do you make sure that people find your content?

Well? Here's the thing: More than a third of all traffic from a Google search goes to the first result on the first page. So, if you want people to click on your content, it's not enough that it's good. You need to be in the top 10 results to get any significant traffic at all. But how do you do this?

That's where SEO or "search engine optimisation" comes in. It's an umbrella term for a lot of different ways to improve your ranking, but it's not always easy to figure out. How can you be sure that your ads or content will actually get clicked on and drive traffic?

Don't worry—we've got your back. Here are 7 SEO hacks you should know about to jumpstart your digital marketing campaign.

SEO Hack #1: Go for Long-Tail Keywords

The first step of a good SEO campaign is to use keywords. To have a good chance of showing up in Google searches, you need to focus on specific keywords that people search for and include those keywords in your written content. It's important to choose the right keywords.

Long-tail keywords are search terms that are made up of more than one word. These are the best keywords to go after because people who search for them have a clear idea of what they're looking for. Long-tail keywords are more specific than broad ones, which means they usually have fewer searches per month but more competition per search. So why should you go long-tail when there are so many generic keywords out there? Because the people who use long-tail searches are much more likely to convert into customers than someone who just typed in "vacation." 

SEO Hack #2: Focus on Mobile First

People use their phones all the time now, which means that if your website isn't mobile-friendly, it's not going to get as many clicks or views as other sites. One of the most important things you can do to improve your Google ranking is to use responsive design. In fact, it's more than a hack—it's necessary. Google ranks sites based on how well they work on mobile, so responsive design is so important. Even if your website looks great on a desktop, it won't rank well if it doesn't work as well on a mobile phone.

SEO Hack #3: Optimise Your Page Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Your page title tag is what shows up in search results when someone looks for something related to your business or product. This tag must be optimised to show up at the top of those searches and doesn't get buried by other websites with similar content. For this tag to be effective, it should be between 60-70 characters long (including spaces) and contain keywords that relate directly back to whatever search was performed by the user who found their way onto your site through Google or other search engines. If someone searches "best food truck in Sydney," make sure that phrase shows up somewhere within your page title tag. As for your meta descriptions, you should include a summary of the page's content. The meta description is the short paragraph beneath the title tag. Keep them within 160 characters, and add your main keyword again.

SEO Hack #4: Enhance and optimise images

You need to optimise more than just the text on your website to improve SEO. You should also make sure your images are the best they can be. The first thing you can do to make your site's images better is to compress them.

When your image files are too big, they slow down the speed at which your page loads, making many people click the back button instead of waiting. This tells Google that your site doesn't belong in the top search results. You should also add alt tags to your images. These are short bits of text that describe what the image is about.

Google can't read an image of an apple, but it can read an alt tag that says "shiny red apple." This means that the image can add to the relevance of your page, which can help your search results rank higher.

SEO Hack #5: Write content that will always be relevant and keep old pieces up-to-date.

Creating evergreen content as often as possible is another easy way to improve SEO. Evergreen content stays practical and up-to-date even as other content becomes outdated and irrelevant. The idea is to write things that will still be useful even in the future.

That means you should stay away from short, trendy ideas that will make your content seem outdated in the future. And while you can't know everything about the future, some of the things you write will inevitably become old. When that happens, make sure to go back and update it so that it continues to bring people to your site.

SEO Hack #6:  Be user-centric and focus on what the user wants to find.

Keywords are a good way to improve your rankings, but just stuffing them into your content won't make it work. To get on page one, you have to write content that answers why people search for the keywords you're aiming for. So, if you write about "Brisbane lawn service" in a piece of content, you need to make sure that your content actually gives users what they are looking for.

SEO Hack #7: Get good links back to your site

Backlinks are one of the best ways to improve your ranking on Google. In fact, link building is an important ranking factor on Google. Backlinks are when content on other websites links to yours. For each piece of content you put on your site, you should try to get a few high-quality backlinks.

When Google sees that a trustworthy site links to you, it thinks that you are also trustworthy and moves you up in the rankings. 

Are you ready to boost your digital marketing with these SEO hacks?

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is one of the most important aspects of running a successful digital marketing campaign. However, there are certain secrets that you should be aware of to get the most out of your campaign. In this post, we talked about seven such secrets. By using these seven SEO hacks, you can ensure that your company's digital footprint receives the attention it deserves. Make sure to employ all of them in a holistic strategy, and you will set yourself up for success in the world of SEO. 

After all, digital marketing isn't a set and forget strategy. It's a continuous process. Start slow, follow one strategy at a time and work on it until you understand it thoroughly before moving on to the next strategy.

Hopefully, this gives you a better idea about how to use SEO for your online business and even how to use it for personal branding if you so choose. Of course, many other factors influence your search engine rankings, but these SEO hacks are some quick, practical tips you can follow when beginning your digital marketing campaign.

Need help ranking higher in website searches and increasing traffic to your business? Book a free strategy session with us today here.

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